Ayken Yansten Folk Beat Music

Ayken Yansten´s Folk Beat Music is a music project combining folk music from different countries with modern beats created in Ableton Live. The first step of the creation process is to select a few folk songs popular in a given country. These songs are then edited and reassembled. Rhythm sections are then added to these edited melodies, which can include both percussion and industrial sounds, and are supplemented with a variety of nature sounds, animals, etc. This creates a new piece of music.

The main aim is thus to combine traditional music with new musical elements to create original compositions that are accessible and interesting to contemporary listeners. The project seeks to present the folk music of a given country or ethnic area while offering a new musical experience.

The tracks are available online on Ethnocloud and many have achieved significant success in the Top 40 charts there.

If you haven’t found music from your country or ethnic area, let me know. I will try to create it.

Email: info@aykenyansten.com